"O que Lénin e Trotsky não atingiram com o fim de conduzir as forças que dormitam no bolchevismo para a vitória final, será obtido através da política mundial da Europa e América." - Rosenberg 1930

sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013

cuidado com o evolianismo «espiritual»

 «Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling.» - Benito Mussolini, 1933

não por acaso, Mussolini declarou-se sintonizado com as ideias de Evola...
não por acaso, desses sectores partiram críticas ao NS e acusações de "materialismo", algo refutado aqui.

sempre de pé atrás em relação ao fascismo e doutrinas excessivamente "espirituais".  não existem raças "espirituais", só existem raças carnais, biológicas, o resto é mera consequência e não causa.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Duvido muito da veracidade dessa afirmação de Mussolini.

Aqui estão outras,verdadeiras neste caso:

“Well we, Fascisti, want to bring into every city, into every part of the country, even the most remote, the pride and passion of belonging to the most noble Italian race; the race which has produced Dante, which has given Galileo, the greatest masterpieces of art, Verdi, Mazzini, Garibaldi and d’Annunzio to the world, and which has produced the people who won Vittorio Veneto.”

-Speech in Ferrara, April 4, 1920

“In the first place she (the Italian nation) has a sure foundation, and that is the vitality of our race.”

-Speech in Trieste, September 20, 1920

“How then was this Fascismo born… it was born of the profound and perennial need of this our Mediterranean and Aryan race…”

-Speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921

“It must not be forgotten that, besides the minority that represent actual militant politics, there are forty millions of excellent Italians who work, by their splendid birth-rate perpetuate our race…”

-Speech Delivered in the Chamber, November 16, 1922

“Let me first of all say how happy I am that we should have met in these magnificent rooms which furnish evidence of the strength and beauty of our race.”

-Speech in Rome, January 2, 1923

“It is obvious that the problem of Italian expansion in the world is a problem of life or death for the Italian race.”

-Speech in Milan, March 30, 1923

“…Fascism, representing an irresistible movement for the regeneration of the race, was bound to carry with it this island where the Italian race is manifested so superbly.”

-Speech in Cagliari, June 12, 1923

“Rome is always, as it will be tomorrow and in the centuries to come, the living heart of our race!”

Thor disse...

"“Well we, Fascisti, want to bring into every city, into every part of the country, even the most remote, the pride and passion of belonging to the most noble Italian race; the race which has produced Dante, which has given Galileo, the greatest masterpieces of art, Verdi, Mazzini, Garibaldi and d’Annunzio to the world, and which has produced the people who won Vittorio Veneto.”

como é óbvio, esta afirmação não entra em choque ou contradição com a afirmação de que a raça é um sentimento.
e então essa de haver uma "raça italiana" é muito típica do fascismo, que acha que cada estado corresponde a uma raça.

Thor disse...

"“It is obvious that the problem of Italian expansion in the world is a problem of life or death for the Italian race.”

portanto, um expansionista a falar em "raça italiana".