"O que Lénin e Trotsky não atingiram com o fim de conduzir as forças que dormitam no bolchevismo para a vitória final, será obtido através da política mundial da Europa e América." - Rosenberg 1930

segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011

até o conselho europeu reconhece

Council of Europe warns on multiculturalism

The Council of Europe, guardian of the European convention on human rights, backs the growing number of heads of state denouncing multiculturalism as a failure, warning that it poses a threat to security


17 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

«Ao abrigo da Lei do Retorno, de 1952, todo o judeu — entendido como filho de mãe judia — pode adquirir a nacionalidade israelita. E houve vários padres católicos, filhos de mãe judia, que requereram a nacionalidade ao abrigo dessa lei. Aí os tribunais israelitas acrescentaram a condição de não conversão a outra religião. Claro que esses padres poderiam adquirir a nacionalidade israelita, mas pelo processo normal.»

o que é que estes «padres» estavam a fazer na igreja?

Thor disse...

ao último anónimo, peço desculpa mas alguns comentários aparecem como Spam, por isso desculpa lá se não publiquei alguns comentários anteriores, mas só agora reparei que alguns comentários antigos eram "Spam".

Thor disse...

não sei porquê, mas esses comentários e outros, como aquele da celebração islâmica dos maçons, vão para o Spam, não entendo porquê...

Thor disse...

mas também esse já foi publicado.

Anónimo disse...

"como aquele da celebração islâmica dos maçons, vão para o Spam, não entendo porquê..."


Anónimo disse...

os rockfeller financiaram a união soviética de estaline enquanto formava os gulags e financiaram o regime nazi para que este se pudesse preparar para a guerra. os rockfeller estão por trás de bilderberg (o balsenão é o seu agente máximo em portugal).

Anónimo disse...

In Denmark every Muslim immigrant costs 3.973 Euro a year , on an average - and in 2001 even 10% of Denmark´s and Sweden´s national budgets.

Anónimo disse...




por Gilberto de Lascariz

No ano passado a Inglaterra fez-se ouvir no mundo com a legalização do Druidismo como religião oficial em Inglaterra. Este é o primeiro passo para gradualmente regressarmos ao Paganismo que, segundo o filósofo Alain Benoist, "é a religião original da Europa".

Ao longo da história do Paganismo encontrámos verdadeiros mitos avatáricos que ilustram esse processo de transformação da alma, desde Dionísio a Odin e, tão tardiamente quanto o século VII EC, figuras de culto como Ceridwen, Merlin e Taliesin.

Na realidade não existiu um Paganismo mas vários Paganismos na Europa, assim como vários modelos iniciáticos de transformação cognitiva, dos quais se deve realçar os modelos ctónicos e agrários, guerreiros e mágicos.


- A Chegada da Luz do Antigo Paganismo e o crepúsculo do monoteísmo Judaico-Cristão.
- O Homem Pagão entre as Forças Ctónicas da Fertilidade e as Forças Celestes da Sabedoria.
- O Homem Sensorial e Imaginal como substrato cognitivo do Antigo Paganismo.
- Iniciação versus Religião. O significado da Iniciação no Antigo Paganismo.
- O Paganismo do Campo, o Paganismo dos Mistérios e o Paganismo da Teurgia.
- Os Quatro Mistérios Pagãos: Agrários, Guerreiros, Metalúrgicos e Eróticos.
- A Concepção da Alma e o relacionamento com o Mundo dos Mortos.
- Merlin e Ceridwen como avatares divinos da via xamânica do Ocidente.
- Dois mitos opostos do Paganismo: a descida ao Mundo Subterrâneo e a Ascensão pelas Esferas Planetares, enquanto mitemas dos impulsos contraditórios de Vida e Morte na Natureza.
- A via do corpo convulsivo como método extático em Dionísio.
- O Deus Cornudo (Cernunnos/Hu Gadarn/Dionísio) como epifania da Alma da Natureza.
- O Culto da Cabeça e o culto do Falo: dois pólos complementares do Paganismo.
- O caminho sacrificial do guerreiro astucioso em Odin.
- Magia sexual em Freya e Afrodite enquanto Via Sexualis do Paganismo.
- O significado do Sacramento entre os pagãos. A sua prática na vida quotidiana.
- A Via Onirosófica e os retiros oniromânticos.
- O Conhecimento do Daimon/Siddhe e o papel de Hermes na Tradição Pagã.
- Um programa de experimentação das vias pagãs para uso quotidiano."

Anónimo disse...


"Gilberto de Lascariz nasceu em Caracas, Venezuela, vindo desde muito cedo a viver em Portugal. Formou-se em Direito, na Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, ao mesmo tempo que seguia Língua e Cultura Sânscrita na Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Desde muito cedo esteve envolvido em várias sociedades esotéricas de carácter rosacruciano e maçónico, tendo tomado votos na Tradição Nyngma-Pa do Budismo Tibetano. A sua envolvência com o Wicca Tradicional na Tradição Alexandriana a partir de 1982, associado ao seu envolvimento com a Antroposofia, despertou-o para a necessidade de desenvolver métodos meditativos e rituais que permitissem uma abordagem esotérica da Bruxaria Iniciática e Neo-Pagã em antítese à sua superficialização New Age. Em 1989 criou em Portugal o Coventículo TerraSerpente de Wicca Alexandriana e lançou a Confraria Sol-Negro, uma organização artística dedicada à renovação estética das artes sob o ponto de vista do esoterismo neo-pagão, na sua acepção evoliana. As suas palestras nas “Conferências do Inferno”, realizadas nos anos 80/90 no Porto, alertaram-no para a necessidade de registar em livro o seu pensamento esotérico e neo-pagão. Publicou os livros Mãe Canibal, O Culto da Bruxaria no Artista e Escritor Austin Osman Spare e traduziu e prefaciou o livro de Ronald Huton, Os Xamãs da Sibéria. Em 1999 criou o Projecto Karnayna, uma organização que visa fornecer instrução esotérica na perspectiva do Neo-Paganismo sendo o primeiro autor a fazer workshops de Wicca em Portugal, tal como é hoje praticado por Janet Farrar e Vivianne Crowley. O magazine francês de cultura gótica Elegy Ibérica considerou-o em 2006 como sendo a figura mais importante do pensamento esotérico neo-pagão em Portugal. Na Zéfiro, publicou a obra Ritos e Mistérios Secretos do Wicca e Deuses e Rituais Iniciáticos da Antiga Lusitânia. É também autor do posfácio de O Chamado dos Velhos Deuses, de Nigel Jackson, e foi o coordenador da edição de 2009 de Mandrágora - O Almanaque Pagão, fazendo parte da direcção editorial deste almanaque."

Anónimo disse...


Guterres preocupado situação da Líbia
Rádio Renascença -
António Guterres desdramatiza as preocupações europeias com a possível vaga de refugiados da Líbia. Em Bruxelas, os ministros da Justiça e do Interior dos 27 debatem um plano comum para enfrentar uma eventual catástrofe humanitária. ...
Europa tem um dever de solidariedade para com os líbios, defende ... Público.pt
Guterres apela a atitude «generosa e aberta» da Europa face aos líbios A Bola
António Guterres diz que Europa deve dar prioridade ao sofrimento ... RTP

Anónimo disse...

Líbia: António Guterres pede à UE atitude "generosa e aberta" com ...
"É muito importante que a Europa tenha uma atitude generosa e aberta", disse António Guterres à saída de uma reunião que teve com os ministros da Administração Interna dos 27. Para o alto comissário "a Europa tem um dever de solidariedade" e, ...

Anónimo disse...

As Carvalho explained, “The Russian-Chinese influence has been growing more and more in Latin America. The U.S. Government has missed this because it still sees Russia and China as allies, in spite of the fact that they are the two largest weapons suppliers to terrorism around the world. One must remember that the Putin government’s foreign policy is today guided by the so-called ‘Eurasian’ strategy, invented by Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, who proposes that Russia, China, and Islam ally with all the anti-American forces in Western Europe, Africa and Latin America, for the purpose of laying final siege to the United States. This strategy already has strong military support in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a kind of eastern version of NATO, which brings together Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.”

I asked Carvalho about recent reports of a deal between Islamic Iran and communist Venezuela to build a strategic missile base aimed at the United States. I asked if the Marxists of South America were allied with al Qaeda and Tehran. “Yes, they are,” he replied. “They are also allied with the ETA, which is a Basque terrorist organization. There are lots of agents of these organizations in Hugo Chavez’s entourage. This fact is not unknown to many Latin American governments, but most of them are committed to remaining silent about it because of the agreements they signed as members of the Sao Paulo Forum, the spearhead of the communist movement in Latin America…”

I then asked Carvalho to name the countries working with the terrorists worldwide for the destruction of the United States. He replied as follows: “Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, and especially China are the main ones. In Latin America, Venezuela is the most obvious example, but Venezuela would be nothing without the support it gets from all the governments of the Sao Paulo Forum, the leader of which is Brazil...”

According to Carvalho, the Left continues to consolidate its position in Latin America. “It has been following a strategy explicitly presented in a Chinese communist congress a few years ago: to take power by means of legal elections and then erode the democratic system from the inside to prevent the opposition from ever coming back to power in future elections,” he explained. “This is to say: they win a first match and then proceed to change the rules of the game. In Brazil this strategy has led to spectacular results. First, the idea was to limit the political field to only two contestants: radical Left and moderate Left. All other forces were dismantled by means of targeted tax audits and corruption charges which did not even need to be proved, since they destroyed reputations once and for all as soon as they were trumpeted by the media…”

Anónimo disse...

Could America’s traditional ally in South America be under the control of a totalitarian movement? How could we miss such an astonishing development? “American opinion-makers have a wrong view of Brazil,” said Carvalho, “because the Brazilian government has always acted in a two-faced and camouflaged way. On the one hand, it has been courting American investors to strengthen the Brazilian economy, but on the other, it has been taking advantage of economic success in order to consolidate the Leftist sway at home, to make impossible any political opposition which is not that of the moderate left, and to give effective support to the rise of the Left in neighboring countries, while protecting openly terrorist organizations like the FARC and the Chilean MIR, which thus have ended up controlling the local criminal organization and getting the monopoly of the drug market in Brazil. In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has also dismantled the opposition, but using more blatant methods…”

Since Brazil harbors the core of the communist movement in Latin America, how is the anti-American campaign progressing? According to Carvalho the Left is not always able to move forward. “It follows an alternating rhythm,” he explained, “according to whether the important thing at the moment is to flatter foreign investors or to unify and strengthen the Latin American Left…”

“For more than ten years,” Carvalho noted, “I have been warning that the Worker’s Party [in Brazil] is not an organization like the others; that is, willing to alternate with the opposition in power. The Worker’s Party is a revolutionary organization committed to reshaping the state and the entire society after its image and likeness, by using, for this purpose, the vilest and most corrupt resources. Since no one has ever believed any of this, everyone has kindly disarmed himself in the face of this rising party, and now that it controls everything, no one can do anything against it. Brazil is governed by a single party which has several names. I see no prospect of changing this situation in the short or medium term…”

And what is the most important thing Americans should know about the present political situation in South America? “The most important thing,” said Carvalho, “is the deep and solid unity of the local Leftist movements across national borders, the unity of the revolutionary strategy that lies behind seeming and misleading differences of national character. There are no ‘two Lefts’ in Latin America. There is only one Left, which has so much solidarity with itself that it never loses control of the two faces it employs to fool American observers.”

Anónimo disse...

o judeu toledano demitiu o john galliano

Anónimo disse...

John Galliano has spent more than five hours at a French police station being questioned about an alleged drunken rant in a Paris bar, in which he was said to have hurled racist and antisemitic abuse.

His future as creative director of Christian Dior looked increasingly doubtful as video footage emerged of an apparently separate incident in which he is seen saying: "I love Hitler".

Galliano, 50, wearing a large-brimmed black hat over his trademark bandana, arrived at the police station in the central 3rd arrondissement of Paris where he came face to face with the couple he is accused of accosting at La Perle bar in the chic Marais district last Thursday.

The couple, a Jewish woman and her Asian boyfriend, told French radio Europe 1 the British designer had told them: "Dirty Jewish face, you should be dead" and "****ing Asian bastard, I will kill you".

After last week's incident Galliano's lawyer, Stéphane Zerbib, said the designer was lodging a police complaint against the couple for "defamation, insults, threats and aggression". "This man and woman were aggressive to Galliano, mocking the way he looked. My client was insulted first and never made antisemitic remarks." The designer has denied making racist or antisemitic comments.

Video footage posted on the Sun's website shows Galliano apparently arguing with two women in La Perle. A woman can be heard asking the designer: "Are you blond with blue eyes?" He replies: "No, but I love Hitler and people like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers would all be ****ing gassed." Neither of the women is Jewish.

Zerbib said he "questioned the opportunism" of the new complaint. "When you are a victim of antisemitic or racist remarks, you do not wait four months (to lodge a complaint)," he told Reuters.

"What matters isn't what's on the internet, what matters is the testimony and the hearing," he added.

Anónimo disse...

What is the story on those who conveniently have cell phone cameras at hand to record the event. Was this fashion designer provoked by a table full of Khazars conveniently seated next to him? Was this a co-ordinated event to further 'Holocaust(tm) propaganda in the international media, like the Helen Thomas statements uttered to a Khazar with a camera, like Charlie Sheen presently undergoing defamation by the Anti Defamation League, like Mel Gibson's encounter with a 'Jewish' police office which seems statistically unlikely?
Are we witnessing a co-ordinated operation of Zionists and Khazars to re-enforce Holocaust(tm) propaganda saturation of the media by provoking these events to gain the platform?

Anónimo disse...

Julian Assange has been caught up in an anti-Semitism row after allegedly accusing a group of journalists of a 'Jewish conspiracy' against his website WikiLeaks.

In the current edition of satirical magazine Private Eye, editor Ian Hislop wrote that Assange called him to complain about a previous piece on WikiLeaks contributor Israel Shamir.

Shamir is a Siberian-born writer and commentator who is recognised as a Holocaust denier and has been called 'a rabid anti-Semite' by Stephen Pollard, editor of The Jewish Chronicle.

Phone call: Julian Assange, left, accused Ian Hislop of being part of a 'Jewish conspiracy', wrote Hislop in an article for the current edition of Private Eye

In the week that fashion designer John Galliano was sacked by Christian Dior over alleged anti-Semitic remarks made in a Paris bar, Hislop claims Assange told him he should be ashamed of himself for being part of an international smear campaign against WikiLeaks.

Stating that the Private Eye piece was an attempt to cut off any funding the website receives from the Jewish community, alleged Hislop, Assange claimed that Private Eye was 'part of a conspiracy led by the Guardian which included journalist David Leigh, editor Alan Rusbridger and John Kampfner from Index on Censorship – all of whom "are Jewish".'
'I pointed out that Rusbridger is not actually Jewish, but Assange insisted that he was "sort of Jewish" because he was related to David Leigh (they are brothers-in-law),' wrote Hislop.

'When I doubted whether his Jewish conspiracy would stand up against the facts, Assange suddenly conceded the point. "Forget the Jewish thing".'

Julian Assange in anti-Semitic row accusing journalists of 'Jewish conspiracy' against WikiLeaks | Mail Online