"O que Lénin e Trotsky não atingiram com o fim de conduzir as forças que dormitam no bolchevismo para a vitória final, será obtido através da política mundial da Europa e América." - Rosenberg 1930

sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

já há dinheiro para isto?

"O ministro da Administração Interna admitiu hoje que Portugal poderá aumentar a quota anual que permite receber refugiados que necessitem de protecção internacional, actualmente com um limite de 30 pessoas."


note-se que uma "pequena comparticipação" virá do Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social fora os fundos do MAI...

nestas alturas, o que é feito da suposta "crise" tão badalada? não há dinheiro para nada, os impostos aumentam, os salários são uma miséria, tudo baixa...mas para "isto" já há dinheiro...

bem, afinal quando o ex-primeiro ministro Guterres vem dizer que "lamenta" a crise, se esta afectar a "obrigação moral" de receber refugiados, já nada me espanta.
depois de atrocidades destas, só me apetece é rir...para não ter que chorar.

enfim, é mais uma vergonha e um escândalo.

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

On the surface, Agenda 21 appears benign. However, what is not stated is that the Rulers of Earth will not be subject to the rules and regulations of Agenda 21. In other words, the New World Order is creating a governmental bureaucracy to control the masses, reduce and limit population, re-educate the public, and create a dumbed down "passive" workforce. Agenda 21 will only apply to "slave work force", not to the Rulers.

Anónimo disse...

há dinheiro pra isso e pra isto:

bruxelas há anos que dá subsidios à turquia, em 2007 deu 4.873 billion € !!!

é dinheiro prós turcos e pra outros países islâmics !!!

erdogan: «The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets
and the faithful our soldiers...»

Anónimo disse...

em 21 de agosto de 2007
erdogan disse sobre o "Moderate Islam": "These descriptions are offensive and violate our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam. And that´s it!"

Anónimo disse...

«First they will quarrel externally on redistributing wealth of more than 100 billion. euros. Prior secret meetings are taking place between ministers at regular intervals (just as the Danish Parliament did when debating the Lisbon Treaty in order to cheat us of a referendum). The mendacious political - not scientific - NGO, the IPCC, is to outline the CO2 policy. Especially Africans, who have very small CO2 emissions, must have the reallocated money for allegedly becoming "climate refugees". Westerners have to become vegetarians, says Lord Stern, former chief economist of the World Bank and a Fabian socialist. For after Copenhagen, meat wil become so expensive that it can not be bought. Reason: Animals emit too much methane!

The New World Order program for the 21st century is called the "Agenda 21". It is described as the most radical transformation the world has seen. It is sustainable (Communist), inclusive, consensus-based (anti-democratic), will redistribute wealth globally (CO2 taxes, since it connects environment and economy), partnership, banishes large areas from human activity, lumps us together in small areas along motorways and railways in skyscrapers in order to monitor people, kidnaps a generation of children to indoctrinate them into the sustainability religion (environmental Communism). Every country is to be disarmed and there will be a standing UN army to crush rebellions, a global central bank and a one world currency. Democracy and freedom already belong to the past.»